Battery Charging Get The Most Life Out Of Them
Remember never leave your battery unattended while charging.
As with everything, your vape device batteries have an expiration date. They won’t last forever but there are a few simple ways to ensure you get the most out of your batteries.
Typically vape batteries will last at least 200 charges though sometime they will last less time with misuse or more if they are taken care of. The first and probably most important way to keep your batteries functioning well is to make sure you are charging them properly.
It is never ok to charge your batteries indefinitely. Usually e-cig batteries take 2-4 hours to charge so putting them on a charger and going to bed or going out could be death for your batteries unless you are only asleep or away for 2-4 hours.
Over charging can cause the battery to overheat as well as shorten the life expectancy. Remember never leave your battery unattended while charging.
Another thing to pay attention to is the temperature. Leaving your vape device in a hot car or on a table in direct sunlight can cause the battery to overheat as well. When a lithium ion battery reaches 120F, the inner workings begin to break down causing malfunctions and the battery could possibly explode. Before you get worried, this is the same for any other type of battery and proper care will ensure there are no issues with your device.