How To Find The Right Nicotine Strength?
When it comes to finding the right vape juice, it isn’t just about finding one with the best flavor. It’s more than that.
Nicotine strength especially important if you are new to vaping
Although having a tasty e-liquid you enjoy vaping is definitely high on the list of priorities, there is another factor that is equally important. This is the nicotine strength of the e-liquid. You can have the yummiest tasting e-liquid known to man, but if you don’t have the right nicotine strength in that liquid you’ll have a very disappointing experience.
This is especially important if you are new to vaping. At this stage of the game, any little thing could cause you to go back to smoking analog cigarettes so you want to make sure you do all you can to keep yourself happy and satisfied.
There are several strengths of nicotine available to you. These are 0mg, 6mg, 11mg, 16mg and 24mg. An average cigarette has 10-18mg of nicotine in it. When smokers are new to vaping they tend to need higher strengths of nicotine. Though it’s known to be true in most cases, still there is another factor to consider.
How much did you smoke? If you were a heavy smoker who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a day, you will most likely be comfortable starting at either 16mg or 24mg. If you were a moderate smoker who smoked half a pack to a whole pack a day, you will most likely be happy vaping at a level of 6mg or 11mg. For smokers who only smoked a few cigarettes a day, 00mg to 06mg should be just fine. For those who either never smoked but enjoy vaping, or have been stepping down their nicotine level, there is 00mg e-liquid available as well.