How To Prime Your Atomizers And Cartomizers?
Take care not to drip any e-liquid into the center hole as you will end up sucking that excess liquid into your mouth.
Atomizers and cartomizers need to be replaced on occasion. When you replace them, there are a few steps you should take to ensure the best function and flavor.
First, remove the old atomizer or cartomizer, dispose of it and replace with a fresh new one. Once you have the new one in place, saturate the cotton inside your atomizer or cartomizer. You do this by dripping several drops of e-liquid at a time onto the cotton.
Take care not to drip any e-liquid into the center hole as you will end up sucking that excess liquid into your mouth. This won’t hurt you but it also won’t be enjoyable or tasty. After you’ve done this, continue filling your atomizer or cartomizer.
Once you have filled it take several dry hits. A dry hit means you inhale on your e-cigarette without pressing the button. You will NOT get any vapor and that’s ok. This action will pull e-liquid into the atomizer and ensure the rest of the cotton is thoroughly saturated.